Friday, July 3, 2009

Time Flies

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I cannot believe in 2 weeks Averi is going to be 1!!!! Where does the time go, no one will ever know. She has grown so much I just can't believe my eyes!!!! It was like yesterday I was in the hospital waiting to meet her. What a wonderful baby she has been. I have no complaints on how good she is. Sometimes I feel like she has my dad in her saying "be good for your mommy and daddy, I love them very much and they deserve a good baby!!!" Which is good because in the last 7 months Kyle and I have been thru alot. With him getting diagonsed with Crohn's and all. I remember that day in October, she rolled over, I got it on video and it really brought me to tears because I was so proud of her. In November she got her first tooth right after Thanksgiving and then they just started to come all at once it seemed like and now she has 8. In Feburary we were at my cousins birthday party and we were really trying to get Averi to crawl. We just put something out in front of her and she wanted it so bad that she just went for it. It took her a few times but she got it down pat, there was no stopping her now!!! In April she started to walk. Kyle and I had worked with her every night. There were times when she got frusterated but she didn't want to quit. I mean it started with walking along the couch and then she would take a few steps away from the couch and then fall. My little girl just never gave up. Now she is almost 1 and I can't even keep up with her!!!!! She melts my heart every day!!!

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